Tags: programming + r (19)

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  1. Hadley Wickhams's GitHub page for his advanced R development courses. Includes useful material on advanced programming in R as well as package development.
  2. Markdown package for the R statistical software environment. Handy for publishing R code (e.g. to Rpubs) and for integrating latex, comments and other text more seamlessly into code.
  3. I'm a huge fan of data.table and I've used it a ton in my own work in the last year.
  4. Very cool.
  5. It's exactly what it sounds like. Good? Slightly horrifying?
  6. Awesome (and very short) section of debugging: 1. Be liberal with the use of print (or cat()) statements in your functions when debugging them! 2. traceback() # can see the sequence of function calls 3. options(error = dump.frames) debugger() # permits you to see the values of objects in the various nested environments of the function calls
  7. Hadley is amazing.
  8. Awesome tutorial with loads of examples, code samples, and graphs. Amazing resource.
  9. Nice sort of R thesaurus for other statistical software.

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