mako: oped + law (11)

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  1. Nice little gloss on the TAL take on software patenting.
    updated: 2012-06-18, original: 2011-08-01 to , , , , , , , , - Archived Link
  2. "Google is not the Eye of Sauron, finding all that is good on the Internet and corrupting it. Nor, despite its mission "to organize the world's information and make it universally accessible and useful," is it humanity's informational savior. Google is a company that provides an enormously significant online service. When that service raises serious legal questions, we should ask whether it is good for the users or bad for the users."
  3. Mostly a summary of how the CAFC is out of line in its strong support for pantents: "So, it is with only slight satisfaction that I report the Supreme Court yesterday accepted another patent case. This is another instance where the CAFC went far beyond merely interpreting the patent statute in order to benefit patentees and harm the public. I am confident it will be another instance where the Supreme Court will correct the CAFC."
  4. Here's the spoiler: The answer is "not you."
  5. Very cool oped by Posner on the state of the patent system. He thinks its totally broken but, because he's Richard Posner, he has some ideas of what to do about it.
  6. "We should legislate that developing, distributing, or running a program on generally used computing hardware does not constitute patent infringement."
  7. Well, that's provocative.

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