Tags: patents + freesoftware (16)

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  1. "We should legislate that developing, distributing, or running a program on generally used computing hardware does not constitute patent infringement."
  2. "The Electronic Frontier Foundation announced a new initiative on Tuesday to seek reform of the United States patent system. But conspicuously missing from the list is the most direct and obvious way to solve the problem: exclude software from patent protection altogether."
  3. Wait, isn't a patent on DRM which makes it less easy (or more expensive) for others to do a good thing?
  4. Article by Jeremy Allison about why mono is a problem. I think he's right.
  5. "So, in my view, the OSI should not give in to this blackmail, but should stand firm on the fundamental principle that software patents are an unmitigated harm for free software. It should reject the current proposed licence, and insist that if the MPEG Working Group wishes to benefit from open source, it should play by open source's rules." Amen.
  6. Nice writeup of the MS/TT settlement with an important focus on the GPLv3 and what it can do for us
  7. Points again to people worried about threats of lawsuits.

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