Tags: softwarepatents + patents (10)

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  1. "We should legislate that developing, distributing, or running a program on generally used computing hardware does not constitute patent infringement."
  2. "In his remarkable ruling, U.S. Circuit Judge Richard Posner stated that there was no point in holding a trial because it was apparent that neither side could show they had been harmed by the other’s patent infringement. He said he was inclined to dismiss the case with prejudice — meaning the parties can’t come back to fight over the same patents — and that he would enter a more formal opinion confirming this next week."
  3. "The Electronic Frontier Foundation announced a new initiative on Tuesday to seek reform of the United States patent system. But conspicuously missing from the list is the most direct and obvious way to solve the problem: exclude software from patent protection altogether."
  4. The piece doesn't suggest that startups might really want patents because they are a signal to investors. It's a crap reason, and a good reason to change the system since it only costs startups valuable resources at time when they need them, but it's the reason I've seen in the research.
  5. Funny. I suggested to some FSF folks that they might want to transcode an OGG file for TAL at a party on Friday. Quick work! :)
  6. IV response to TAL piece critical of IV. Summary: "Haters gonna hate."
  7. Nice little gloss on the TAL take on software patenting.
    updated: 2012-06-18, original: 2011-08-01 to , , , , , , , , by mako - Archived Link
  8. This is absolutely worth the hour. Intellectual Ventures really is that bad.
  9. Wait, isn't a patent on DRM which makes it less easy (or more expensive) for others to do a good thing?

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