Tags: videos + music (13)

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  1. From the public domain to Wikimedia Commons to a song performed by an acapella group in Cambridge. Awesome.
  2. Music video by a friend of a friend.
  3. I Think this guy has created a whole new genre. Amazing.
  4. I went to this event last night where a bunch of musicians did live improvisational recordings of new audio tracks for YouTube video's whose audio has been removed due to copyright infringement. Putting things right!
  5. Mika loves this video.
  6. Via Daf. Pretty cool.
  7. Intense music video by Jean Grae about sexual abuse and cycles of violence.
  8. Is making children's number-speaking toys more hardcore, like, a thing? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1ZeciX-3wfs
  9. Recipe's not that complex, but the cooking implements sure are.
  10. Sometimes you realize that you are pretty happy not going back in time.

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