mako: academic + research (64)

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  1. Awesome.
  2. A bloggy lit review on the economics of FOSS.
  3. I don't really see how this a new paradigm, but maybe that's just didn't because I didn't read the book yet.
  4. "The model aimed to rationalize several puzzles observed in the industry, such as why Red Hat, a high-quality firm, contributes significantly more to Linux than any other firm and why a market with mandatory sharing can actually produce higher-quality products than a proprietary market."
  5. My friend Joseph Reagle is working on what seems like an interesting research project on sexisim in free software and free culture communities.
  6. Andrew Gelman likes this article more than the Wikipedia article on the subject.
  8. I'm hearing more and more good stuff about Behavioral and Brain Sciences.
  9. Joe Reagle had some good criticism that are worth checking out as well.
  10. I couldn't agree with this more.

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