mako: activism (66)

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  1. Malcolm Gladwell on social movements and new technology. He talks about McAdams, Granovetter, and a bunch of other sociology hits. I'm not a huge Gladwell fan usually but, in this case, I think the article is pretty keen.
  2. Mr. Malamud said his years of activism had led him to set a long-shot goal: serving in the Obama administration, perhaps even as head of the Government Printing Office. “If called, I will certainly serve,” he said. “But if not called, I will probably serve anyway.”
  3. Super interesting article on how Microsoft works with antipiracy efforts of the government to suppress dissent more broadly in Russian society.
  4. I went to this event last night where a bunch of musicians did live improvisational recordings of new audio tracks for YouTube video's whose audio has been removed due to copyright infringement. Putting things right!
  5. I really like this FSF campaign. Please participate and support it!

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