Tags: statistics + software (36)

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  1. A software suite that has become an Apache project. Used by Apache to create a series of metrics.
  2. ggplot2 in Python. Awesome.
  3. Proprietary R with a bunch of go-fast stuff for big data.
  4. Markdown package for the R statistical software environment. Handy for publishing R code (e.g. to Rpubs) and for integrating latex, comments and other text more seamlessly into code.
  5. A bunch of R code to fit your power law distributions.
  6. Another cool looking tool from The King.
  7. There should be a better way of finding your R package than searching though a page of short descriptions of all 2800 package.s But there isn't.
  8. It's exactly what it sounds like. Good? Slightly horrifying?
  9. GUI for R.
  10. Combination example code for common things and tutorial.

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