mako (3926)

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  1. "If you ask me for really dangerous ideological films, for ideology at its purest, I’d say Kung Fu Panda. I saw it five times because my son likes it."
  2. nomics in the context of scarcity. However, the point is that if you understand the zero, there's nothing to worry about and the model works perfectly. It just requires a recognition that the scarcity doesn't exist. Instead, you have abundance. You can have as much content as you need -- and in that world, it makes perfect sense that there's no costs, because without scarcity there need not be a cost. Supply is infinite, and price is zero. That does not mean, however, that there's no business. Instead, it just means you need to flip the equation and use th
  3. He accomplished 50 of the things he claimed everyone should do.
  4. Using a specially designed enclosure, 201 children 2 to 5 years of age took part in tests in which six devices were used, including two developed in the course of this experiment as the result of observation of behavior...Of those who let themselves out, one-half did so in less than 10 seconds. One-third of the children emerged unruffled, about half were upset but could be comforted easily, and a small group (11%) required some help to become calm.
  5. From the "It's amazing the trouble people get into with oregano!" and "the Internet is good for something" departments.
  6. New publishing imprint from a major publisher to use only CC works available for free on the Internet at the time of publication. Hal Abelson is on the advisory board.
  7. Apparently a source for very cheap deals and not in the major search engines.
    2008-09-05 to , , - Archived Link
  8. "Bike thefts account for 3.7 percent of all larceny and theft crimes in the United States."
    2008-09-03 to , - Archived Link
  9. Interview of Chris Kelty by Geert Lovink
  10. Interesting thoughts on copyright from James Grimmelmann. "As with banks, the expectation that a copyright-based industry is on the brink of failure may be self-fulfilling."
  11. Tom Lord's response to the FSS. (Summary, he basically likes it!)
  12. Interesting guy with cool ideas about autonomy.
  13. Trying to define the users’ rights in a web services ecosystem the prevalent term is “autonomy”, a term anarchists often refer to and the basic concept of Cornelius Castoriadis‘ philosophy. Individual autonomy is for Castoriadis the capacity of an individual to make choices in freedom while collective autonomy means that a particular society posits it’s own laws based on equal chances of participation.
  14. I just can't believe I didn't bookmark this before!
  15. Rap music video of pimped out lowrider choppers.
  16. S F DJ rides bike without any brakes. Because he's nuts.

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