mako: freesoftware + opensource (75)

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  1. Looks like an interesting project.
  2. A software suite that has become an Apache project. Used by Apache to create a series of metrics.
  3. "The model aimed to rationalize several puzzles observed in the industry, such as why Red Hat, a high-quality firm, contributes significantly more to Linux than any other firm and why a market with mandatory sharing can actually produce higher-quality products than a proprietary market."
  4. Bug Labs names module after EvH. Weird.
  5. Interesting in relation to the FSF lawsuit.
  6. Another CLS. I really should make it one of these some year.
  7. "Trying to shift the burden of proof back onto themselves, I asked why they don't contribute to the open-source projects from which they derive so much value. Many indicated that it's too hard to contribute back to open-source projects due to internal legal issues and the high bar to knowing how to contribute. They suggested that they would instead prefer to pay the open-source companies to do that work for them."
  8. I'll bet that FOSS experience does increases one's job prospects. Sounds like a great empirical project!
  9. Interesting marketing attempt. I think I might hate it.
  10. I've always hired free and open source software developers. But I guess I'm probably difference.
  11. Good idea. Let's see if it works.
  12. Bizarre.
  13. I think David is wrong. Almost everyone I know who makes it a requirement of any job they seek that it will only include work on free software can do so. Those that want to work primarily on free software have very little trouble. Do you get a choice of all jobs? No. Are the jobs as interesting or as high paying? You can't count on it. You have to be very very good to work on free software only without compromising. But I think that might be asking a bit too much.
  14. "I think that the survey reflects a continued misunderstanding among large companies about how widespread is the use of open source software.The failure to have an open source use policy is very dangerous in the world of complicated “hybrid” products: open source licenses do not mix well with commercial licenses without careful analysis."
  15. Yet another open source person at MS.
  16. MS still doesn't seem to get it.
  17. Article by Jeremy Allison about why mono is a problem. I think he's right.
  18. Interesting blog post about the difficulty of chasing up old copyright licenses.
  19. How can ESR write this and not mention Eric von Hippel?
  20. Special issue of a magazine with articles on women in open source.

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