Tags: music + copyright (18)

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  1. A whole country (albeit not a very big one) goes in for compulsory licenses for music.
  2. I didn't realize Kraftwerk were the bad guys.
  3. Dovetails nice with the porn article I want to do.
  4. Interesting. But speculation that a report may have existed that implied these things seems like pretty week ammution.
  5. via daf
  6. Classic essay.
  7. "How could the flow of high-quality music continue despite sharp reductions in firms’ ability to appropriate revenue. The puzzle’s resolution may lie in the observation that technological change has not only reduced effective demand; it has also reduced costs of bringing music to market. The costs of creation, promotion, and distribution have all been revolutionised by new information and communications technologies."
  8. I went to this event last night where a bunch of musicians did live improvisational recordings of new audio tracks for YouTube video's whose audio has been removed due to copyright infringement. Putting things right!

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