mako: design (104)

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  1. Nice write-up of Mika's project.
  2. Looks pretty awesome.
  3. Interesting argument that the use of NUL-terminated strings in C was shortsighted and wrong. And it probably was. My recent blog post on coal computing anyone?
  4. Via marcell. Gemma Schusterman did basically this same project 4-5 years ago. She made a very similar elephant vibration sensor:
  5. OK. So I'm not the only one that noticed that Google+ is basically just a Diaspora ripoff.
  6. Search for fonts by uploading a picture.
  7. Super cool project by Salganik.
  8. I'll add this, along with everyone else. :)
  9. Beautiful free monospace screen fonts. Awesome.
  10. Design community for surfboards. Awesome.
  11. I think have most of these already.
  12. Community forks MySQL, cleans stuff up.
  13. That's not why I use Garamond. But I'll feel smug about it anyway.
  14. Awesome project out of Eyebeam done largely by Ayah Bdeir.
  15. Via Daf (I think).

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