Tags: copyright (139)

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  1. Nice copyfight article from 1997.
  2. 2007-05-20 to , , by mako - Archived Link
  3. "For several years Georgia State was involved in litigation over the fair use doctrine. Specifically a consortium of publishers backed by Oxford, Cambridge and Sage sued Georgia State over copyright violations by many of the faculty. A decision has now been rendered. The Court backed Georgia State in almost every instance, finding no copyright violation. However, the Court did lay down some rules - in particular you can use no more than 10% or one chapter, whichever is shorter, of any book."
  4. Wow! Awesome news.
  5. This has been online for quite some time. I'm really surprised I haven't found this before.
  6. Simple little article on the history of piracy by Christine Schweidler and Sasha Constanza-Chock.
  7. Interesting pane from an Italian meeting called the "Share Festival". I haven't watched the whole thing but the parts I've seen seem reasonably intriguing -- although a few of the people are definitely of the sort of European-free culture "usual suspects" group and so may not have a lot new to say to you.
  8. Overview of a new book called "How To Fix Copyright" which sounds like something I could get behind.
  9. I don't know what pinterest is, but it sounds like it may be violating copyright law.
  10. Call by the copyright office for comments on handling orphaned works.
  11. The calculator is no coincidence. Apple simple copied it.

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